Program Description
This program was kicked off in early March of 2020. Then MI was locked down for the pandemic in later part of March. The program was suspended immediately. Program was idled for 4 months. In July, revision was worked out and approved. Meeting was resumed in August, using tele-conference and Zoom, with just a small group wanting to meet in person practicing social distance. The program finished in early December with great result and totally satisfactory feedback. The following summarizes the meeting records and support facilitators notes and participants feedback and evaluation.
The program continues in year of 2021, reaching out to our community friends and family members who are caregivers throughout the year, helping caregivers find common ground with other caregivers in similar situations, and offering support and a learning platform. View Ann Arbor Chinese Caregiver Support Program 2021 Seminar Recording YouTube Playlist >
Support Meeting Records

Observations/Comments of Meetings
Date | Observations/Comments (Cranbrook) |
3/16 | We met at Cranbrook Senior Center 7th floor for the first meeting. Janilla, Joyce and student Olivia introduced each other, discussed about the purpose of the gathering and arranged meetings in the future. Janilla provided gift cards to Wei for refreshments etc. |
8/13 | Zoom Meeting set up. It was the first-time using Zoom, it took a while for each member to log in. We discussed PPE, such as different kinds of face mask. We showed examples of face masks and also for some face masks that have an opening for filter. We discussed CDC rules for face masks and social distancing. |
8/26 | We discussed ways to improve health and prevent COVID-19; such as taking vitamin C and vitamin D3 or sun bathe for at least 15 minutes every day (when the sun is out) instead of taking vitamin D3. |
9/16 | Joyce showed the face shield she purchased on Amazon and explained the reason for the purchase. Joyce was going to use it during her trip (got canceled subsequently). It could provide extra protection for the elderly. Joyce also showed the finger pulse Oximeter device for testing O2 in our blood. We also discussed the difference between the yearly flu and COVID-19. |
9/30 | Discussed further more about COVID-19, questions and answers. The elderly were very concerned about the second wave. Constipation was also one of the topics discussed. We provided recommendations to overcome the issue. |
10/14 | The Great Barrington Declaration was mentioned and discussed in the meeting. The effectiveness of the vaccine was also discussed. The treatment of President Trump’s COVID-19 was discussed. Meeting lasted about 1.5 hours. Since everyone is isolated in their own space during the pandemic, the opportunity to meet their neighbors on Zoom is a treat for everyone. They also used the opportunity to share some personal experience for other daily events. |
10/26 | Pfizer vaccine was the main topic of our discussion. How to avoid getting burned out during this pandemic lock down was also a main issue. Updated the participants about Michigan virus information. Lisa presented Medicare 101 to the seniors so they have a better understanding of their insurance. Joyce shared her personal knowledge of Medicare Advantage plan. |
11/11 | We recommended having backup caregivers in case the main person gets sick in this pandemic. Mental health is important during this time, look for signs of depression, reach out help. Discussed whether it is safe to get vaccinated. |
11/18 | Still need to stay home in this pandemic. We continuouly need to practice 6 feet social distance. Consider to create new routines and habits. It’s best if the grandchildren aren’t coming to Thanksgiving holiday this year. |
12/2 | Discussed about three different vaccines which are from Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazenica. The first two vaccines are mRNA, the third one is traditional vaccines. The first two are more efficient and safer than the third traditional one. In the future flights, airlines may ask to present vaccine certificate before boarding. Recommend that everyone take at least 2000 IU vitamin D daily. |
Date | Observations/Comments (Carpenter) |
8/17 | Self-introduction. They asked when they can go back to China. When would this pandemic end? Do they still need to take the flu shots? |
8/31 | How was the pandemic at University of Michigan? When can they visit China again? How was the COVID-19 control here? |
9/14 | Answered some of the questions about the updated pandemic condition at U of M’s. And answered the question about going back to China? Pointed out that some of the airlines are open the flight to China already. |
09/28/20 | Talked about COVID 19 and any possible ending date for it. Discussed about Dr Fauci`s interview on TV. Emphasized: wearing mask, social distancing and outdoor gathering only, and avoid any crowd. And also chatted about the Chinese moon festival . |
10/12/20 | Vaccines are already available in China. Talked about the president COVID 19, and 34 other people tested positive in the White House. But mask and social distancing are still not been accepted by them. Also discussed about MI governor’s threat to be kidnapped by Militia. We all need to get the flu shoot and participate in the presidential election. |
10/26/20 | The COVID 19 surging is getting worse, increased to over 200,000 deaths already. Almost 70,000 a day. Looks like the pandemic will not end soon and second wave are here already. College student party, church worship, president campaign gathering……. All that made our lives more difficult, and we were the ones all being well behavior to stay at home for almost 8 month. Stayed home, stayed health. I shared my experience of voting. I went to the city hall asking some information about not receiving any paper from voting. Then they allowed us to just vote on ballot immediately at city hall. We all should get the flu shoot now. |
11/9 | We discussed the difference between cold/flu and COVID-19. Once we experienced a short breath, lost smell and taste, and the oxygen level was low, we need to see a doctor right away. Those are the symptoms of COVID-19. |
11/23 | How to keep ourselves in good health during this pandemic? Exercise, good diet and plenty sleep to improve immunity. |
12/7 | Appreciation gathering before the holidays. Wished each other and exchanged blessings. |
Workshop Evaluation
The evaluation form is in attachment I.
Cranbrook total evaluation collected: 11
Question # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | |
Workshop Evaluation Average Score | 4.9 | 4.9 | 4.9 | 5 | Self health assessment | 3.6 (3-4) | 1.8 (2-5) |
Carpenter total evaluation collected: 11
Question # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | |
Workshop Evaluation Average Score | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.3 | 4.3 | Self health assessment | 3.9 (1-5) | 2.3 (1-5) |
Program Feedback from Participants
- Caregivers expressed that they learned a lot about COVID-19; and also this support program was a very enjoyable one. Members always looked forward to participating the meeting.
[The good news is no one in the group was sick during our program period, for both Cranbrook and Carpenter.] - Caregivers discussed what they learned about the COVID-19; they compared notes on different experiences (that they heard) and helped each other to understand more about it.
- Some caregivers asked about their personal health insurance issues, asked for sorting out what they have and potential alternatives etc.
[AC-SE MI has certified MMAP agents to answer these questions.] - It was a great program.
- During the pandemic, this program provided somewhat a “social” gathering through Zoom. It made us more interested in attending, partially to meet some other friends.
- Thanks to Asian Center for providing this program. It allowed us to discuss COVID-19 and learned a lot from the facilitators as well as other caregivers. It really helped to alleviate some of our anxiety.
- It was a great opportunity during the pandemic to mingle with other residents virtually through Zoom. Thanks to Asian Center for providing this opportunity.
- Thank you for taking care of us seniors in the housing during the pandemic. We hope there will be more such programs (even if once a month) in the near future. We really welcome such programs.
- I am lacking of self-discipline, any program that can help me do regular exercise is welcome here. I will definitely participate.
- Thanks to the facilitators for bringing in COVID-19 info every meeting. We appreciate AC-SE MI and our 2 facilitators for keeping up with us.
- I hope this program can be continued. We really need it.
- We are lucky to have this program, especially during the pandemic. It allowed us to learn what was going on locally (most of us cannot read English news). We hope it can continue.
Asian Center – SE MI
Dec, 2020
Evaluation of Caregivers Support Program
Attachment I
Program Evaluation
For each of the following questions, please choose the number that best describes your answer.
1. How much did you get from this support program?
1 (not much) 2 3 4 5 (a great deal)
2. How valuable is this support program to you?
1 (not valuable) 2 3 4 5 (very valuable)
3. What is your overall rating of this workshop?
1 (poor) 2 3 4 5 (excellent)
4. Do you think this program worth continuing?
1 (easy) 2 3 4 5 (difficult)
5. Do you have any suggestion for this program? Improvement proposal?
Self-Rated Health
1. In general, would you rate your health being…. (circle one number)
1 (poor) 2 3 4 5 (excellent)
2. In general, would you say your self-discipline towards your personal exercise regimen being…. (circle one number)
1 (poor) 2 3 4 5 (excellent)