Asian Center Southeast Michigan is organized to assist our community friends in maintaining good health. The Center offers comprehensive educational programs and services through out the year to maintain or improve your health.
Asian American health disparities
Our mission is to reduce health disparities among Asian Americans. One of our tasks is always to understand any health disparities among Asian Americans. We will put in efforts to study it in order to reduce it.
Public Health Education Among Asian Americans
To bring awareness of any public health issues, we would offer health educations in different Asian languages to our communities.
HBV education, screening, vaccination and patient navigation
Hepatitis B is number one health disparity among Asian Americans. We have been offering different education, screening, vaccination and patient navigation among Asian Americans.
Annual flu shots
Due to language barriers, many Asian Americans do not know they should get annual flu shots. We teamed up with Walgreen, offer flu shots in the fall when there are health fairs or any other appropriate community gatherings.
Important health information translated in Asian languages
Whenever there is an epidemic, we would collect all pertinent information and translated into different Asian languages to distribute among the Asian communities respectively.
Resource Advocates
When we receive calls from seniors asking for help, we will try to find the help for them or direct them where to get the help.